Personal Data Form

Please register your details to create a user account.  Your user account enables you to submit an abstract, register for the conference, book a hotel and more.


Enter the number in full international format starting with the + ( e.g.: +44 xxx xxx xxxx)



Based on your registration (in the following step), your personal data filled out in the registration form are going to be processed by GUARANT International spol. s r.o., registration no. 45245401, having its registered seat at Českomoravská 19, 190 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic, contact: as the controller, for the purposes of arrangement of your participation in the event. This processing is necessary for the performance of a contract between you and the controller. Upon your registration you confirm that you have familiarized yourself with Information on processing of personal data, containing detailed information on processing on personal data by the controller. A participant of the 29th WONCA Europe Conference 2024 also acknowledges that the list of participants including their email addresses will be distributed to the Irish College of General Practitioners having its registered seat at 4/5 Lincoln Place, Dublin 2, D02 XR68, Ireland and to WONCA Europe Office having its registered seat at Poljanski nasip 58 / 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. By participating, individuals also acknowledge that their information will be shared with Áras Fáilte, the National Tourism Development Authority, located at 88–95 Amiens Street, D01 WR86 Dublin, Ireland. This sharing is for the purpose of facilitating a financial grant to support the organization of the event.